Modern Green
Gal Vibes

Welcome to the Chronically Ellen universe!

My name is Ellen and I am the digital creator, gardener, low fodmapper, and chronically ill/disabled woman behind the name. I live in Auckland, New Zealand with my cat Theo, who generously tolerates my husband living with us too.

Chronically Ellen Garden Salad Headshot
Chronically Ellen Cat Theo
Chronically Ellen Orange Flower Field Auckland Photography

Here to support and teach through my own life experience’s

Chronically Ellen Rhubarb Cheesecake Recipe
Chronically Ellen Rhubarb Garden Tips

Welcome to my little corner of the internet where I get to share my love of food, gardening, creativity, and all things that go hand-in-hand with that. Some days you’ll see me over on my Instagram stories sharing my garden with you all, others I may be elbow deep baking a loaf of homemade bread, and others I may be working hard on a photoshoot for one of my gorgeous clients.

Having grown up a foodie, my whole life changed with the diagnosis of endometriosis at age 24 and subsequent life-changing diagnosis’ from there. I had to learn this thing called a Low FODMAP diet, with minimal guidance, and try to work it out. Those first few months were so challenging. The recipes were difficult, the ingredients even harder to get hold of (not to mention expensive), and the options were few and far between. I gave up on eating out completely.

I eventually found my niche and came out of the diet with my still limited, but tailored diet in my toolbox. Unfortunately in March 2022, I developed Covid 19, and never fully recovered. I had developed Long Covid, or an Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction and could no longer work full time. The main issues that plagued me post-Covid were (and still are) severe gut issues. My IBS was ramped up, I developed GERD, and lost weight to an unhealthy and worrying level. I sought treatment and was advised lots of rest, and consulting with a dietician once a fortnight to try and manage my weight, a battle I am still fighting to date. So back to the Low FODMAP diet I went to try and balance out/repair my gut.

Being an Alpha personality, I was soon crawling up the walls trying to find something to focus my attention on that was easy, simple, and that I could pick up and put down at any time. Something not stressful, no pressure, that felt achievable for me, and that felt like I was making a difference. After a heart-to-heart with one of my girlfriends, the penny dropped, and my Instagram page was born. Several months later, due to popular demand, here I am with a blog page! Something I never imagined for myself.

My Journey.

Chronically Ellen Vegetable Basket Garden

My passion for food began at a young age, surrounded by plenty of experienced woman who could cook... and I mean cook. I also spent quite a number of years as a child on a rural farm on the Awhitu Coast, spending much on my time in the orchard, helping in the vegetable garden, and tending seedlings in the glasshouse. Naturally I took this ethos through life with me and am always looking to incorporate a strong garden to table approach where I am able. Some days that means a handful of herbs, in summer that means an entire home grown salad!

After a recent diagnosis of Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) and Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) I am embarking on a new type of treatment in the hope of making some of my more difficult symptoms that little bit more manageable. I was also recently diagnosed with Autism, what previously would have been known as Asperger’s.

These days I split my time between running my own self-employed business (visit, gardening, cooking, and managing my health. Some days are harder than others, and I still need help often, but its all about pacing myself… and making my health my first priority. I haven’t had a book publisher want to cover my story yet, nor a big break, but I am so grateful for the community surrounding and supporting the Chronically Ellen name and where I am now is well beyond something I ever thought I could achieve.

I look forward to you trying my creations, and even if you only make one recipe or take a single tip or product recommendation away, as long as you have learnt something new, my job is done and I am ever so grateful.

Ellen x

Sharing my love of food, gardening, creativity, and all things that go hand-in-hand with that